In stock
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-8595
Semiquantitative calibration standard 2, in 40% aqua regia, trace HF, Au, B, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ge, Hf, Ir, K, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Sb, Si, Sn, Ta, Te, Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr 10 µg/mL
320 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL8003-0394
Purge extension, ceramic, for Optima 3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL/4300V/5300V/7300V
524 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-0154
Electron multiplier detector for 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS
2605 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL0535-1082
Nut for nebulizer connection at Scott spray chamber end cap for Agilent ICP-MS. Allows locking of all standard nebulizers with 6mm od shaft
15 /Each
Merck KGaA MADP19650
MultiScreen Disposable Punch Tips
232 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL0100-1331
Ferrule, 1/4 in, 85% Vespel, 10/pk
70 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5183-4682
Initial calibration verification, 1,000 mg/L of Fe, K, Ca, Na, Mg; 100 mg/L of Sr; 10 mg/L of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn, Th, U . Dangerous goods, not available in Japan
Special offer /Each
Agilent Technologies G3666-67700
Easy-fit X-lens, single piece assembly, provided in clean packaging, ready to install. For direct replacement of 8900 x-lens. Includes extraction lens 1 and 2, omega and bias lenses, assembled with screws and spacers, ready for installation onto skimmer b
1004 /Each
Cytiva CYT40056912
Emflon™ PFR membrane MCY-style junior filter cartridge, 0.2
306 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5064-8092
Argon clean gas filter, high purity for semi-conductor applications. Replacement argon supply filter recommended for lowest background required in semiconductor applications (s-lens configuration), suitable for all Agilent ICP-MS instruments
559 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM942339331221
Multi-Element Lamps - Data Coded- Copper / Iron
1974.24 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL0100-1379
Ferrule, 1/16 in, 60 % Vespel, 10/pk
57 /Each