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Catalog No. THM-078449
Part No. 078449
Supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Dionex™ ICS-4000 QD Charge Detector
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6 weeks

The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ICS-4000 QD Charge Detector and Cell is the world’s first charge detector for ion chromatography. In combination with conductivity detection, it provides improved peak identification and peak purity analysis. The Dionex QD uses a membrane-based technology and detects ions in proportion to their charge and concentration. It produces up to three times greater signal for triply charged ions, e.g., phosphate, than singly charged ions such as chloride. Ions with the same charge and concentration yield similar response, permitting reliable quantification of known and unknown compounds with a single standard. The Dionex QD it is well suited to the analysis of phosphates in environmental samples, organic acids in food and beverages, and amines in chemicals.