+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. THM-A40331
Part No. A40331
Supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Arcturus Cellect Laser Capture Microdissection System
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6 weeks

The Arcturus Cellect is a dual laser microdissection capture platform to harvest cells of interest for DNA/RNA and protein research. The Arcturus Cellect platform is designed to be precise and contact-free to help minimize contamination concerns. The Cellect supports all consumables and reagents used by Arcturus legacy instruments. The Arcturus Cellect offers an IR laser and UV laser capability for cell harvesting. The Arcturus Cellect's IR laser is capable of cell harvesting with no damage to the cell's nucleic acid or any degradation to the RNA. Arcturus Cellect UV laser provides the ability to cut through dense tissue as well as the capability of cutting through bone.