1 week
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-712240-1053
Nalgene™ Carboy Replacement Screw Closures and Gaskets
483.84 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM553-0040
Pharma 11 Twin-Screw Extruder
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Agilent Technologies G1820-65050
Nickel (Ni) skimmer cone, standard cone used with Agilent 7500 a/I ICP-MS, also suitable for 7500s ICP-MS, use with Ni sampling cone The point of the skimmer cone is easily deformed. A deformed cone will greatly affect performance. If the O-ring becomes s
629 /Each
Columns, LC, Premier Elite Naphthyl 3u 120A 100 X 4.6mm
618 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-5082.0040
UltiMate™ 3000 Multiple Wavelength Detector
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-5082.0030
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-MI-251000-0005
AI/AS 1610 Liquid Autosampler
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-842320074181
iCAP™ 7400 ICP-OES Analyzer
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-51028542
Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security Microbiological Incubators
14644.8 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-51028136
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-FFPF430D
Forma™ Plasma Freezers
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-51028543