In stock
MilliporeSigma 59578-U
Discovery® RP-AmideC16 Supelguard™ Cartridge, 5 μm particle size, L × I.D. 2 cm × 3 mm
241.6 /Each
Metrohm AG METR6.7410.020
NIRS MultiVial tray for 3x5 19 mm vials
Special offer /Each
Waters Corporation WAT045424
High Pressure Motorized Valve Rebuild Kit
243 /Each
Crimp neck vial, N 11, 11.6x32.0 mm, amber, with integr. 0.2 mL insert
Pall Corporation RGN3FN070
Profile® Nylon, Filter Cartridges, Nylon, Length 30 Inches
193 /Each
Pall Corporation HC2618FRN18Z
Supralon GlassFiber 7 micron (Beta 2000) Fluorocarbon 18in 45.72cm
220 /Each
PerkinElmer Inc. N5330318
Temperature Calibration Kit
162 /Each
Metrohm AG METR6.7410.050
NIRS MultiVial tray for 2x3 29 mm vials
Metrohm AG METR6.7450.090
NIRS 99% reflection and wavelength standard for process instrument, 1 inch diameter, 45° bevel
Metrohm AG METR6.7410.040
NIRS MultiVial tray for 2x3 27 mm vials
Agilent Technologies AGIL884950-553
ZORBAX Rx-C8, 5 µm, Special, 4.6 x 250 mm. ZORBAX Rx columns are made from highly pure (> 99.995%) porous silica with a higher carbon load (12%).
685 /Each
Pall Corporation NXA139UM18E
Nexis® A Series Filter Cartridges, Removal Rating 1 μm, Polypropylene, Length 39 inches
55 /Each