In stock
Tosoh Bioscience TOS0008540
TSKgel G2000SWxl, 5 µm, 7.8 × 300 mm
1658 /Each
Tosoh Bioscience TOS0008541
TSKgel G3000SWxl, 5 µm, 7.8 × 300 mm
1676 /Each
Tosoh Bioscience TOS0005103
TSKgel G3000SW, 10 µm, 7.5 × 600 mm
2430 /Each
Tosoh Bioscience TOS0014947
TSKgel Butyl-NPR, 2.5 µm, 4.6 × 35 mm
1094 /Each
Nacalai Tesque Inc. COSM38183-21
COSMOSIL 5PE-MS Packed Column (4.6 mm I.D. x 50 mm)
281 /Each
358 /Each
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. BR7200035
UNO S12R Column
3499.2 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL878250-101
ZORBAX Bonus-RP, PrepHT cartridge, 21.2, 250 mm, 7 µm (use with hardware kit 820400-901)
5761 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-186009249
nanoEase M/Z HSS T3 Column, 100Å, 1.8 µm, 300 µm X 150 mm, 1/pk
837 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-312085-0001
Nalgene™ Narrow-Mouth Opaque Amber HDPE Packaging Bottles with Closure: Bulk Pack
2293.92 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-SH3066212
Labtainer™ BioProcess Container (BPC), 100mL with 2 Ports, Luer Lock and MPC Insert, 2D BPC
Special offer /Each
Agilent Technologies PL0890-0495
Exhaust tube, for Agilent Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors G4260B/G4261B
218 /Each
Pall Corporation HC9404FRT13Z
Supralon GlassFiber 25 micron (Beta 2000) Fluorocarbon 13in 33.02cm
274 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM063448
ProPac™ SAX-10 HPLC Column, 10 μm, 2 × 250 mm
4289.76 /Each
Column, LC, Shim-pack GIST Guard Column C8, 3um, 1.5x10 with Cartridge (2pcs) and Holder
367 /Each
Waters Corporation PSS839474
Spherisorb C6 Guard Cartridge, 80Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 30 mm, 3/pk
306 /Each