In stock
Resonac Corporation F6709730
IC SI-2GF filter | 3 guard filter
271 /Each
MilliporeSigma Z777199
Proteomix® SAX-NP10 Strong Anion Exchange Guard Cartridge and Holder, L × I.D. 1 cm × 2 mm, 10 μm particle size, stainless steel
447.2 /Each
Welch Materials Inc. H00208-31031
Ultisil LP-C18, 5 μm, 4.0 × 125 mm
488 /Each
Pall Corporation AB2Y1008J
Profile® II Filter Cartridges, Polypropylene, Length 20 inches, AS568A - 222 O ring Size
Special offer /Each
Eppendorf UK Limited EPP0030076001
epT.I.P.S.® 384 Reloads
465 /Each
MilliporeSigma 24801-U
Supeltex™ M-2A Capillary Ferrule, Short Design, ferrule type, short, 0.53 mm Column I.D., pkg of 10 ea
74.64 /Each
Column, LC, Premier Callisto C18(2) 15u 2.1 x 150mm
500 /Each
Column, LC, Premier Callisto C18(2) 10u 3.2 x 100mm
493 /Each
Sartorius AG SART16306
Glass Vacuum Filtration Device, Diameter ⌀ 24 mm / 25 mm
179 /Each
Shinwa Chemical Industries Ltd. ULTRON VX-SIL
Column 250 x 1.0 mm, 5 μm
648 /Each
Agilent Technologies G8410-60100
Cover kit, for Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler. Encloses the autosampler to reduce sample contamination from dust and drafts. Optional purge or exhaust connection to remove vapors and fumes. (requires but does not include the ducting hose, p/n 5043-0065, which
1363 /Each
Agilent Technologies PL1212-3801
PLRP-S 300Å, 25 x 150 mm, 8 µm
3172 /Each