New Generation Fleximass microscope slide MALDI plates with new adaptor. The FlexiMass-DS target is designed with 48 wells arranged in a 12 X4 array. Conductive material makes the target behave like a metal plate. FlexiMass targets follow the same foot print as a typical microscope slide and the diameter of the sample position wells is 2.8mm. A single target can be used with 48 unique samples making the cost per sample very cost effective. The targets provide 3 calibration positions, one for each 4X4 sample position array and are suitable for most known MALDI samples and matrices. The FlexiMass-DS plates and Precision adaptors are compatible with AXIMA LNR, AXIMA CFR, AXIMA CFRplus, AXIMA QIT, AXIMA TOF-TOF, and the new series of MALDIs: Assurance Confidence, Performance.