4 weeks
Cytiva CYT18111381
1294.5 /Each
pH Sensor InPro3252i/SG/120
Special offer /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL6610021600
Rectangular fluorescence ultra-micro cell, quartz, open top with PTFE lid supplied, self-masking black walls, 2 x 2 mm aperture, 10 mm pathlength, 40 µL, z height 20mm, 1/pk. Compatible with Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer
955 /Each
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. BR1704158
Trans-Blot Turbo Mini 0.2 µm Nitrocellulose Transfer Packs
186.3 /Each
Agilent Technologies G8010-60271
ICP single-pass spray chamber, glass cyclonic design with ball joint socket and UniFit drain outlet, for Agilent 5000 series ICP-OES. For use with aqueous and low matrix samples where best sensitivity and lowest LODs are required. Includes Helix nebulizer
645 /Each
Phenomenex AR0-9926-13-C
Verex Cert+ Vial Kit, 9mm, 2mL, Amber 51 w/ Patch + PTFE/Silicone, preSlit, 1000/Pk
559.97 /Each
Sartorius AG SART18-5138
Octet® High Precision Streptavidin 2.0 (SAX2) Biosensors
15256 /Each
Transmitter M200 2-CH ¼DIN
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-A30723
POROS™ D50 RoboColumn
204 /Each
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation WAK239-54083
Wakopak Wakosil5C18 10*250mm
Waters Corporation WATS-430001245
Tubing Assembly, Tee to Transducer
63 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL699970-506T
InfinityLab Poroshell HPH-C8, 3.0 x 50 mm, 4 μm, solvent saver LC column, with column ID
545 /Each