The Metrosep Dual 4 separation columns are based on a functionalized Monolith based on silica gel. The Monolith permits an eluent flow of up to 5 mL/min. Despite the high flow, the column is characterized by low backpressure. In contrast to traditional materials, the Monolith has a much larger surface due to its structure of macropores and mesopores. This contributes to the high column capacity with simultaneously very low dead volume.The Metrosep Dual 4 - 100/4.6 is suitable for a great number of applications. All standard anions can thus be separated in less than nine minutes. The high column capacity makes it largely insensitive to matrix influences. Even in a matrix of 3 g/L chloride, carbonate and sulfate, 0.5 µg/L perchlorate can be detected. The column is therefore used in perchlorate analysis in accordance with EPA standard 314.