Large volume (LV) polypropylene (PP) columns with polyethylene (PE) filter elements
Column shape
Funnel-shaped reservoir with 15 mL volume
Column volume
15 mL
Filling quantity
200 mg
Column volume/adsorbent weight
15 mL/200 mg
Recommended application(s)
Enrichment of acidic, neutral and basic drugs from urine or plasma
Particle type
Fully porous particles (FPP)
Particle size
45 µm
Particle shape
Specific surface according to BET
500 m²/g
pH stability
Filter element material
Polyethylene (PE)
Storage temperature
Special silica gel phase for SPE enrichment of drugs from urine or plasma. Bifunctional modification - C8/SA (RP8, octylsilyl/strong cation exchanger – benzenesulfonic acid).