+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT40018560
Part No. 40018560
Supplier Cytiva
Absorbent pads, gamma-irradiated (1000/pkg)
Net Price
USD 339

4 weeks

Absorbent Pad Kits, a Pall Life Sciences product, enables one-handed dispensing of cellulose absorbent pads. Enables user to dispense a clean cellulose pad into a Petri dish whenever needed without touching the pad. Handy dispenser kit holds 1 tube of 100 absorbent pads (10 tubes included). Each tube drops quickly into the hand dispenser for easy use. Available non-sterile or gammairradiated. No ethylene oxide residuals to impede microbial growth. Specifications Pad Composition Cellulose Diameter 45.5 mm Typical Thickness 0.9 mm (35 mils) Applications Absorbent pads are ideal for absorbing broth media to culture colonies in accordance with the Membrane Filter (MF) Technique.