The product fulfills valid directives and standards when used within the conditions specified in the user manual. The product must also be used in the same state as it was delivered from Cytiva and connected only to other CE labeled Cytiva modules or other products as recommended. For regulatory details please see declaration of conformity.
Operating pressure max.
100 bar (10 MPa) at 0.1 to 100 ml/min (12 ml chambers)\n250 bar (25 MPa) at 0.001 to 100 ml/min (0.6, 2 and 5 ml chambers)\n350 bar (35 MPa) at 0.001 to 5 ml/min (90 μl and 0.2 ml chambers) (1450 psi at 0.1 to 100 ml/min (12 ml chambers)\n3625 psi at 0.001 to 100 ml/min (0.6, 2 and 5 ml chambers)\n5075 psi at 0.001 to 5 ml/min (90 μl and 0.2 ml chambers))