+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT17526902
Part No. 17526902
Supplier Cytiva
MabSelect Xtra, 200 mL
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Chromatography technique
    Antibody affinity chromatography
  • Pack size
    200 mL
  • Storage
    2 to 8°C, 20% Ethanol
  • BioProcess resin
  • Ligand
    Recombinant protein A (E.coli)
  • Matrix
    Highly cross-linked agarose
  • Pressure/Flow Specification
    < 300 cm/h, < 200 kPa, BPG 300, bed height 20 cm
  • pH stability, CIP
  • pH stability, operational
  • Binding Capacity/ml Chromatography Medium
    Approx. 40 mg humanlgG/mL at 2.4 min residence time
  • Ligand Coupling Method
    Epoxy activation
MabSelect Xtra, with extra high dynamic binding capacity, is a protein A resin developed to meet the demands of increasing levels of expression in monoclonal antibody feedstocks. Higher dynamic binding capacity than currently available Protein A chromatography resins. Improved process economics through reduced raw materials costs and/or reduced number of cycles. High purity capture due to high ligand selectivity and matrix hydrophilicity. Slightly lower pressure/flow properties compared to MabSelect SuRe and MabSelect. Resin fulfills industrial demands for security of supply, robust performance, and regulatory support. Increased porosity MabSelect Xtra has the same recombinant Protein A ligand as MabSelect but is based on a high-flow agarose base matrix with increased porosity and a slightly decreased particle size compared to MabSelect. This results in higher capacity—MabSelect Xtra has about 30% higher dynamic binding capacity for IgG than currently available Protein A chromatography resins. In addition, MabSelect Xtra has a higher capacity for many Fc-fusion proteins. Lower costs Compared with he other protein A resins, MabSelect Xtra resin provides a lower overall production cost due to the possibility of processing concentrated feedstocks in fewer batches. Prepacked columns and other formats MabSelect Xtra is available in the following formats:  Process development scale – prepacked   PreDictor MabSelect Xtra filter plates – 96-well plates for high-throughput screening or process development. PreDictor RoboColumn MabSelect Xtra – minitiaturized column format for high throughput process development HiScreen MabSelect Xtra columns – optimized for method and process development.   Lab/research scale – prepacked for manual purification HiTrap MabSelect Xtra columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system. Lab/research scale – prepacked for automated purification and analysis HiTrap MabSelect Xtra columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system. Learn about prepacked HiScreen MabSelect Xtra, HiTrap MabSelect Xtra, ReadyToProcess MabSelect Xtra columns, PreDictor MabSelect Xtra or PreDictor Robocolumns MabSelect Xtra