+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT17547401
Part No. 17547401
Supplier Cytiva
MabSelect SuRe LX, 25 mL
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Chromatography technique
    Antibody affinity chromatography
  • Pack size
    25 mL
  • Chemical stability
    Stable in all aqueous buffers commonly used in Protein A Chromatography
  • Storage
    2 to 8°C, 20% Ethanol
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • BioProcess resin
  • Ligand
    Alkali-stabilized Protein A-derived (E. coli)
  • Matrix
    Highly cross-linked agarose
  • Pressure/Flow Specification
    500 cm/h, AxiChrom 300, bed height 20 cm, operating pressure < 2 bar
  • pH stability, CIP
  • pH stability, operational
  • Binding Capacity/ml Chromatography Medium
    Approximately 60 mg human IgG/mL resin.
  • Ligand Coupling Method
    Epoxy activation
MabSelect SuRe LX is a protein A affinity resin with very high dynamic binding capacity at extended residence times. The chromatography resin is developed for processing of monoclonal antibodies at high titers. Novel, alkali-tolerant rProtein A ligand withstands rigorous clean-in-place and sanitization procedures with 0.1 to 0.5 M NaOH. High dynamic binding capacity (DBC) for high titer cultures reduces process time and amount of resin used. Fulfills industrial demands for security of supply, robust performance, and regulatory support. Excellent for antibody purification in bioprocess applications Alkali tolerance, high capacity and low ligand leakage in combination with the rigid base matrix makes MabSelect SuRe LX an excellent choice for purification of monoclonal antibodies for clinical applications. Part of the MabSelect protein A resin family MabSelect SuRe LX is a member of the MabSelect family of protein A resins for the capture of monoclonal antibodies at process scale. MabSelect SuRe LX shares features and benefits of MabSelect and MabSelect SuRe such as a rigid, high-flow agarose matrix that ensures excellent pressure/flow properties, low non-specific binding that leads to low impurity levels in the eluate pool, and an oriented ligand coupling for excellent binding capacity. It also features the same alkali-tolerant rProtein A ligand as MabSelect SuRe. This protein ligand provides greater stability than conventional protein A-based resins in the alkaline conditions used in cleaning-in-place (CIP) and sanitization protocols. Enhanced stability of the protein ligand The enhanced alkali stability of MabSelect SuRe LX improves process economy and product quality; cleaning can be performed with cost-effective reagents such as sodium hydroxide, eliminating the need for expensive and hazardous cleaning agents such as Gua-HCl. Process economy is also improved by the increased dynamic binding capacity of MabSelect SuRe LX. Just as for MabSelect SuRe, the novel ligand construct of MabSelect SuRe LX has been proven to have an increased stability towards proteases. Therefore, the level of leakage of the MabSelect SuRe LX ligand during elution is low. Purification platform design advantage MabSelect SuRe has been demonstrated to give generic elution conditions for different monoclonal antibodies, which can be applied also to MabSelect SuRe LX as it utilizes the same ligand. This is an advantage when designing generic purification platform processes. The feature is also correlated to the construction of the MabSelect SuRe protein ligand. Prepacked columns and predictor filter plates. MabSelect SuRe LX is available in the following formats: Process development scale – prepacked columns and plates PreDictor MabSelect SuRe LX – 96-well plates for high-throughput screening or process development. PreDictor RoboColumn MabSelect Sure LX – miniaturized column format for high-throughput process development. HiScreen MabSelect SuRe LX columns – optimized for method and process development. Lab/research scale – prepacked columns for manual protein purification HiTrap MabSelect SuRe LX chromatography columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system. Lab/research scale – prepacked columns for automated protein purification and analysis HiTrap MabSelect SuRe LX chromatography columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system. Process scale protein purification – prepacked columns ReadyToProcess MabSelect SuRe LX columns – 1 L and larger chromatography columns for clinical manufacturing that avoid the need for cleaning and cleaning validation. For samples, contact your local sales representative or customer support. MabSelect SuRe LX protein A resin builds on the proven track record of MabSelect and MabSelect SuRe resins in downstream processing of monoclonal antibodies. Learn about prepacked HiScreen MabSelect SuRe LX, ReadyToProcess MabSelect SuRe LX columns, PreDictor MabSelect SuRe LX or PreDictor Robocolumns MabSelect SuRe LX