Capto Phenyl ImpRes is a HIC resin for high-resolution intermediate and polishing steps in a downstream purification process.
Combines the high-flow characteristics of Capto resins with a smaller particle size to deliver both excellent pressure/flow properties and resolution.
Flexible process design due to a large operational window of flow velocities and bed heights.
Higher throughput might enable improved productivity and process economy.
Excellent chemical stability allows cleaning with standard CIP solutions, including 1 M sodium hydroxide.
Resin fulfills industrial demands for security of supply, robust performance, and regulatory support.
Impressive resolution and process design flexibility
Capto Phenyl ImpRes delivers impressive resolution while maintaining excellent pressure-flow properties. This is achieved by combining the high-flow characteristics of Capto resin with a small particle size.
The ability to use higher flow rates and greater bed heights also increases flexibility in process design. Capto Phenyl ImpRes is part of an expanded high-resolution platform based on the high-flow agarose Capto product line.
Prepacked columns and other formats
Capto Phenyl ImpRes resin is available in the following formats:
Process development scale: prepacked
HiScreen Capto Phenyl ImpRes columns, optimized for method and process development.
PreDictor Capto Phenyl ImpRes RoboColumn™ units, miniaturized columns for high-throughput process development.
Lab scale: prepacked for manual purification
HiTrap Capto Phenyl ImpRes columns, for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system.
Lab scale: prepacked for automated purification and analysis
HiTrap Capto Phenyl ImpRes columns, for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system.
Process characterization: resin kits
Process Characterization Kit Capto Phenyl ImpRes, designed for studying the potential impact that resin ligand density might have on the process outcome.
Process-scale purification: prepacked
ReadyToProcess Capto Phenyl ImpRes columns, 1 L and larger columns for clinical manufacturing that minimize the need for cleaning and cleaning validation.