+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT17544304
Part No. 17544304
Supplier Cytiva
Capto DEAE, 5 L
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4 weeks

  • Chromatography technique
    Ion Exchange Chromatography
  • Pack size
    100 mL
  • Chemical stability
    Commonly used aqueous buffers, 1 M acetic acid, 1 M NaOH, 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 30% isopropanol and 70% ethanol
  • Storage
    4 to 30°C, 20% Ethanol
  • BioProcess resin
  • Ion Exchanger Type
    Weak anion exchanger
  • Ionic Capacity
    0.29-0.35 mmol Cl-/ml medium
  • Ligand
  • Matrix
    Highly cross-linked agarose with dextran surface extender
  • Pressure/Flow Specification
    300 kPa at 700 cm/h, 1 m diameter column, 20 cm bed height
  • pH stability, CIP
  • pH stability, operational
  • Ligand Coupling Method
    Dextran surface extenders
Capto DEAE is a weak anion exchanger for large-scale manufacturers. Meets demands for fast, cost-effective capture and intermediate protein purification. Weak anion exchanger for high-productivity capture and intermediate purification when high volume throughput is essential. High dynamic binding capacity at high flow raises productivity. High-volume throughput cuts process times. Cost-effective processing with smaller unit operations. Resin fulfills industrial demands for security of supply, robust performance, and regulatory support. Suited to high volume applicationsCapto DEAE is designed for capture and intermediate purification of proteins from large feed volumes. It is composed of a rigid, high-flow agarose matrix modified with dextran surface extenders and a weak diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) anion exchanger. Durable product in industrial settingsThe combination of high volume throughput and high dynamic binding capacity for Capto DEAE raises the productivity in industrial downstream processes. Capto DEAE withstands effective and rigorous CIP procedure. The chemical stability supports a long resin lifetime.Prepacked columns and other formatsCapto DEAE is available in the following formats: Lab/research scale – prepacked for manual purificationHiTrap Capto DEAE columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system.Lab/research scale – prepacked for automated purification and analysisHiTrap Capto DEAE columns – for easy use with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatography system.