This protein A column is prepacked with MabSelect PrismA chromatography resin. This affinity resin has been improved with an optimized high-flow agarose base matrix and a genetically engineered protein ligand, allowing efficient cleaning between runs. This allows future demands in monoclonal antibody purification to be met, including processing of many bispecific antibodies.
Enhanced dynamic binding capacity compared with other protein A chromatography resins.
Excellent alkaline stability enables efficient cleaning and sanitization using 0.5–1.0 M NaOH.
Convenient method optimization and parameter screening enabled by the 10 cm bed height for efficient chromatography process development.
Easily measure protein A leakage using the PrismA ELISA kit specifically designed for use with MabSelect PrismA™ resins.
The enhanced alkaline stability of MabSelect PrismA also provides opportunities for more robust mAb purification using periodic counter-current chromatography. The possibility for cleaning using 1 M NaOH increases bioburden control for continuous processes, which can be exposed to days or weeks of feed harvest.
MabSelect PrismA affinity chromatography resin builds on the proven track record of MabSelect and MabSelect SuRe resins in commercial monoclonal antibody and Fc-fusion protein purification.
Learn about ReadyToProcess MabSelect PrismA, MabSelect PrismA, prepacked HiTrap MabSelect PrismA, PreDictor MabSelect PrismA or PreDictor Robocolumns MabSelect PrismA