The Untagged package allows you to combine cation and anion exchange in combination with gel filtration to develop and optimize a purification protocol form most untagged or native proteins.
HiTrap Q HP (1 × 1 mL)
HiTrap SP HP (1 × 1 mL)
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR
The package contains HiTrap SP HP (cation exchanger) and HiTrap Q HP (anion exchanger) columns (one each), which have high loading capacities over a broad pH range, and can be used individually or in combination. HiPrep Sephacryl is a high performance gel filtration column, with a fractionation range suitable for most proteins. Find out more to set up a purification protocol for recombinant untagged or native proteins in the Strategies for Protein Purification Handbook.