RESOURCE PHE are prepacked SOURCE 15 PHE (phenyl) columns for purification of proteins and peptides with hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). For fast, high-resolution purifications, RESOURCE columns are excellent choice for polishing and removal of trace impurities.
High performance at low back pressure, even with high sample load of up to 25 mg of protein.
Hydrophobic ligand (phenyl) coupled to the 15 µm monodispersed rigid polystyrene/divinylbenzene matrix.
Designed for low- to medium- pressure systems ranging from a peristalic pump to ÄKTA design and FPLC Systems.
RESOURCE HIC columns are available with ether, isopropyl, or phenyl. Generally, RESOURCE PHE will have the strongest hydrophobicity followed by RESOURCE ISO and RESOURCE ETH, successively.