+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT28918008
Part No. 28918008
Supplier Cytiva
PD MidiTrap G-25
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Pack size
    50 columns
  • Bed height
    26 mm
  • Column i.d.
  • Wetted Part
  • Sample volume
    0.5 to 1 ml (Gravity), 0.75 to 1.0 ml (Spin)
  • Storage
    4 to 30°C, 0.15% Kathon CG/ICP Biocide
  • Bed dimensions
    13 × 26 mm
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • Well Volume
PD MidiTrap G-25 is Convenient and rapid cleanup with high reproducibility and the potential for high throughput by running multiple samples in parallel, The use of centrifugation protocol with all gravity columns Reliable and reproducible cleanup of proteins and other large biomolecules (>5000 Mr). Range of applications such as desalting, buffer exchange, and removal of low-molecular weight compounds. High desalting capacity. Flexible protocols with ability to use gravity flow or centrifugation. Sample preparation in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 mL for gravity and 0.75 to 1.0 mL with centrifugation. PD MidiTrap G-25 is designed for convenient desalting and buffer exchange of biological samples and volumes up to 1.0 mL can be handled. Two alternative application protocols are available, gravity or centrifugation. By using the gravity protocol, a simple cleanup of the sample is done with one or several columns in parallel without any need for a purification system. With the centrifugation protocol, the samples are run in parallel in a standard centrifuge with minimal dilution of the eluted sample. Four adapters are included in each product pack to enable easy centrifugation. Instructions supplied with the columnsFor larger scale please use PD-10 Desalting column (2.5 mL) and for smaller scale, PD MiniTrap G-25 (0.5 mL), PD SpinTrap G-25 (130 µL) and PD MultiTrap G-25 (130 µL in parallel)