Capto PlasmidSelect is a chromatography resin that allows supercoiled covalently closed circular forms of plasmid DNA to be separated from open circular forms.
High-flow purification of supercoiled DNA from research scale to cGMP production.
Flexible process design due to a large operational window of flow velocities and bed heights.
Higher throughput for improved productivity and process economy.
Hydrophilic properties of base matrix prevent non-specific binding.
BioProcess resin supported for industrial applications.
Convenient small-scale purification, process development, and scale-up using prepacked HiScreen columns.
Capto PlasmidSelect is based on a rigid base matrix, delivering excellent pressure-flow properties to plasmid production.
Learn more about the Capto PlasmidSelect resin and prepacked HiTrap Capto PlasmidSelect columns.