In stock
Phenomenex 7HG-G014-11
Zebron ZB-1HT, GC Cap. Column 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm, Ea
564.5700000000001 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5067-4659
Capillary stainless steel 0.12 x 340 mm S/S ps/ns
76 /Each
SPE Cartridge Carboprep 200 Packing 6ml, 500mg, 30pk 200 m2/gm surface
248 /Each
Nacalai Tesque Inc. COSM19354-71
COSMOSIL 3PBr Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 50 mm )
498 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-07721
Inertsil HILIC HPLC Column, 5 µm, 33 x 4.0 mm (analytical)
357 /Each
Waters Corporation WAT096226
Sample Loop, 100 µL
153 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS2702-19333
LD239 Sample Filter
63 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-186006870
IEX Cation Test Standard
216 /Each
Sartorius AG SAR20814-0500
CellGenix® GMP TCM (500ml Bottle)
157 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL883995-905
ZORBAX StableBond 300 CN, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 µm. A cyano HPLC column with fully porous ZORBAX particles. StableBond technology ensures stability at low pH.
610 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM063066
IonPac AG20 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)
1529.28 /Each
Tosoh Bioscience TOS0017368
TSKgel G1000Hhr-G4000Hhr and GMHhr-L Guard Column for 7.8 mm ID column, 7 µm, 6 × 40 mm
586 /Each