In stock
Agilent Technologies AGIL5500-1581
Quick Connect Capillary MP35N 0.12 x 280mm. for use with Quick Connect Fitting.
167 /Each
Metrohm AG METR6.2328.000
Lithium acetate electrolyte, 1 mol/L (50 mL)
Special offer /Each
Metrohm AG BWT-840001153
QT-Sampler carrying case
Welch Materials Inc. H02612-31209
Ultisil AQ-C18, 10 μm, 50 × 150 mm, 120Å
8232 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM260016110
TracePLOT™ TG-BOND Alumina GC Column (Na2SO4 Deactivation)
3283.2 /Each
Metrohm AG BWT-840001120
Light shield accessory for STRam
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM26962007
251.1 /Each
Agilent Technologies CP7348
J&W PoraBOND Q GC Column, 25 m, 0.25 mm, 3.00 μm, 7 inch cage. This is the most common GC column format compatible with Agilent 5890, 6890, 7820, 7890, 8860, and 8890 series GC systems and all non-Agilent GC systems with a similarly sized oven.
587 /Each
Metrohm AG METR6.1609.010
Adsorber tube with tubing nipple
Waters Corporation WATS-186007400
CORTECS C18+ Column, 90Å, 2.7 µm, 3 mm X 50 mm, 1/pk
900 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL12102039
Bond Elut PRS cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk
210 /Each
Metrohm AG METR6.02710.000
KF Dis-Cover lid for OMNIS 75 mL sample beaker, 25 pieces