In stock
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-TC1412X1
76.8 /Each
Basic Solid Sample Preparation Pack for FTIR
2070 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-8702-0065
Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate PVC VacuumTubing
459.6 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5064-8261
ZORBAX RR StableBond C18, 0.3 x 150 mm, 3.5 µm
706 /Each
Drain Tubing Assembly, SIL-30AC
92 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-88416
InertSustainSwift C8 Cartridge Guard Column E, 5 µm, 20 x 3.0 mm, KIT, 2/Pk + Holder
378 /Each
Agilent Technologies G8010-60234
Easy-fit torch, inert semi-demountable torch for 5000 series RV (radial) ICP-OES. Features a ceramic 1.8mm ID injector with replaceable shorter outer tube (no slot) for dedicated radial viewing. Recommended for HF digests using 5000 series RV ICP-OES.
785 /Each
Phenomenex AJ0-9816
SecurityGuard ULTRA Cartridges, bioZen Widepore C4 2.1mm ID Columns, 3/pk
458.05 /Each
MilliporeSigma Z777274
Antibodix® WCX-NP10 Weak Cation Exchange Column, L × I.D. 25 cm × 2.1 mm, 10 μm particle size, PEEK
1584 /Each
Daicel Corporation DAIC88G55
CHIRALPAK® IB N, 10 μm, 50 × 250 mm
Special offer /Each
MilliporeSigma SIG20489
Cleaned Copper Tubing, tubing L × O.D. × I.D. 50 ft × 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) × 0.190 in. (4.83 mm)
118.4 /Each
MilliporeSigma 57031-U
Visiprep™ Manifold Cover (flow control valves and gasket included), for use with standard, 12-port model
467.2 /Each