1 week
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-2413
Agilent Bio MAb, NP10, 4.6 x 250 mm. This HPLC column has a densely packed weak cation exchange layer designed for monoclonal antibody separations. The particles are nonporous and promote higher resolution and faster separations.
1559 /Each
PerkinElmer Inc. N9308050
DigiTUBE, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Calibrated
209 /Each
Welch Materials Inc. H09216-21009
Ultisil XB-C4, 3 μm, 2.1 × 33 mm
336 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM26003-6010
TracePLOT TG-BOND Sieve 5A GC Column
4600.8 /Each
Transmitter M400 2H
Special offer /Each
Phenomenex 00G-4455-U0-AX
Gemini 10 µm NX-C18 110 Å, LC Column 250 x 30 mm, AXIA Packed, Ea
9014.67 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-2411
Agilent Bio MAb, NP5, 2.1 x 250 mm, PEEK. This HPLC column has a densely packed weak cation exchange layer designed for monoclonal antibody separations. The column is PEEK-lined to couple with bio-compatible LC systems.
2220 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-SH30762.03
BioProcess Container (BPC), 1000L, for HyPerforma™ Single-Use Mixer, open-top mixing liner
Agilent Technologies AGIL14113042
Bond Elut DEA cartridge, LRC, 500 mg, 10 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk
196 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-2405
Agilent Bio MAb, NP5, 4.6 x 250 mm. This HPLC column has a densely packed weak cation exchange layer designed for monoclonal antibody separations. The particles are nonporous and promote higher resolution and faster separations.
1818 /Each
23 /Each
Pall Corporation HC8400FKP26Z
Ultipor III Glass Fiber 5 micron (Beta 1000) Fluorocarbon 26in 66.04cm (REPLACED BY HC8400FRP26Z)
1442 /Each