+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT28414774
Part No. 28414774
Supplier Cytiva
Grade GF 9 Filter with Inorganic Binder, 50 mm circle (200 pcs)
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Format
  • Material
    Borosilicate glass
  • Operating Temperature
    <500 °C
  • Application
    Used in the filtration of coarse particles.\nFrequently used in environmental analysis, in the determination of PCB, DDE, DDT, furans and dioxins in the air; pollution measurements in industrial, urban and populated areas, cement factories, iron and steel industry, dust measurements at the workplace, determination of the dust fraction in technical gases, and testing the effectiveness of dust-collecting.
  • Diameter
    50 mm
  • Grade
    Grade GF 9
Whatman Grade GF 9 glass microfiber filters from Cytiva's business are strengthened with an inorganic binder for environmental analysis of coarse, heavy samples. Retention of coarse particles (~ 3 µm) Strengthened with inorganic binder Can withstand temperatures up to 500°C Medium filtration speed Can be used as a pre-filter for dense samples Cytiva provides a number of binder-strengthened filters for use in varied environmental analyses. Browse the Whatman range of glass filters to find the right binder and retention for your application. Strength for environmental analysisGrade GF 9 borosilicate glass filters can be used in a range of environmental analysis applications. The added strength of the inorganic binder makes these filters appropriate for use in retention of samples with heavy particles. Other applications include: Determination of PCB*, DDE, DDT, furans, and dioxins in airPollution measurements in industrial, urban, and populated areasDust measurements in the workplaceDetermination of dust fraction in technical gasesTesting the effectiveness of dust-collectingLooking for a filter paper, membrane filter, or syringe filter? Let Cytiva help you find the optimal filter for your needs to ensure reliable analysis.* PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl, DDE = dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, DDT = dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane