+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT56410118
Part No. 56410118
Supplier Cytiva
MidGee Hoop Ultrafiltration Cartridge
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Dimensions
    60 L x 0.3 cm o.d.
  • Autoclavable
  • Application
    Virus concentration/purification/removal, hemoglobin concentration, virus concentration/purification/removal\nStainless Steel housings
  • pH Stability Short Term
  • Pore Size
    100000 NMWC
  • Material Compliance
    USP class VI biological test
Tangential flow ultrafiltration hoop cartridges with polysulfone membrane that allow easy scaling even with small product volumes. Rapid concentration and/or diafiltration of critical biological solutions. Full range of UF pore sizes and lumen diameters. 60 cm and 110 cm path lengths match pilot- and production-scale designs. Autoclavable and are compatible with aqueous solutions and most alcohols. High product recoveries with minimal shear denaturation. No wall effects to distort scale-up projections as with plate and frame devices. Scale up or down easilyThroughout the R&D process, access to product is often limited. As a result, investigations into optimization of operating conditions are sometimes postponed or avoided entirely. Now scale-up and scale-down using minimum product volumes is easy with our MidGee Hoop hollow fiber cartridges. Hoop cartridges provide all the critical features of full production scale in a miniature tangential flow device, allowing simulation of process parameters, including path length, with minimal solution volume and pump capacity.The uniform flow path design from laboratory- to production-scale makes hollow fibers the most attractive of the various tangential flow configurations for linear scale-up.Small is beautifulMidGee Hoop cartridges are optimized for use in our compact MidJet Tangential Flow Filtration System, which includesA miniature peristaltic pump with exchangeable saddles to accommodate size 14 and 16 tubingReservoirs for retentate, diafiltrate and permeatePrecision backpressure control valveA convenient platform for mounting the cartridge and pump with recesses to accommodate three reservoirs