Steam-in-place hollow fiber tangential filtration cartridges/housings (MSM style) incorporating a polysulfone membrane with a range of MF pore sizes.
Strong polysulfone cartridge elements.
Leak-proof, sanitary closure.
Robust and efficientPolysulfone cartridge elements have the strength and integrity to withstand the rigors of steam-in-place operations. Cartridges slip into stainless steel housings for increased safety and containment.
The element design allows quick yet thorough steam penetration of the membranes. Furthermore, all cartridge components are USP 24 Biologicals Test for Plastics Class VI tested. Cartridges are available in a range of microfiltration (MF) pore sizes in a choice of cartridge lengths.Steam-in-Place Cartridges from CytivaSIP cartridges are available in three standard styles denoted SMO, STM, and MSM. The SMO and STM versions are based on a unit diameter of 7.6 cm (3 in), whereas MSM units have a nominal diameter of 10 cm (4 in). For leak-proof sanitary closure within the housing, SMO and MSM cartridges have a single O-ring seal at each end, whereas STM units have end caps at each face that neck down to a double O-ring seal.