+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT28415029
Part No. 28415029
Supplier Cytiva
Mixed Cellulose Ester Circle ME Range (ME 25), plain, 0.45
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Material
    Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE)
  • Autoclavable
  • Application
    The membrane is particularly effective in applications requiring higher flow rates and larger volume filtration including clarification or sterilization of aqueous solutions, particulate analysis and removal, air monitoring and microbial analysis. Other applications include:\nClarification or sterilization of aqueous solutions\nCytology\nAir monitoring\nHPLC samples (aqueous)\nVirus concentration\nParticulate analysis\nBiological assays\nFood microbiology including enumeration of E. coli in foods\nBacteriological studies\nParticle counting from liquids and aerosols\nYeasts and molds.
  • Operating temp. max.
  • Diameter
    25 mm
  • Pore Size
  • Membrane Type
    ME 25
  • Porosity Max.
  • Porosity Min.
  • Protein Binding
  • Solvent Resistance
  • Sterility
  • Water Flow Rate (Delta p equals 0.9 bar)
    12.5 s/100 ml/12.5 cm²
  • Weight Max.
    5.0 mg/cm²
  • Weight Min.
    4.3 mg/cm²
  • Grid Color
  • Grid Dimension
    3.1 mm
  • Interleaving Paper
Mixed cellulose ester, WME range, circles, gridded Sterile options available for critical applications. Excellent contrast for easier particle detection. Grids are nontoxic and do not inhibit bacterial growth, ensuring sample integrity. Black plain and black gridded membranes have a mix of cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate. The membrane offers a high degree of internal surface area for greater adsorption of product. Higher dirt loading capacity. Biologically inert with good thermal stability. No surfactants to contaminate samples. Uniform microporous structure of membrane gives high flow rates. Whatman mixed cellulose ester membranes are composed of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate. These membranes are characterized by a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose filters. Also, the color contrast provided by the filter surface facilitates particle detection and minimizes eye fatigue. The ME range has a lower cellulose acetate content compared to the WME range of membranes. Eased counting processIn microbiological colony counting procedures, the color contrast between the surface and the colonies facilitates the counting process.Plain or griddedMany microbiological techniques include colony counting after incubation as the standard method of quantitation. Whatman gridded filters have clearly defined grid lines spaced at 3.1 mm or 5 mm intervals. The special ink used is nontoxic and completely free from bacterial growth inhibitors. Whatman black mixed cellulose esters are available plain for automatic colony counting applications, as well as gridded to assist in manual counting procedures. Black membranes provide contrast between residue or cell colors and the filter without having to counter-stain the membrane.Sterile filtersFor those laboratories preferring to use membranes sterilized by autoclaving for microbiological work, Whatman provides black gridded membranes in packs with pads ready for laboratory autoclaving.