+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT28418405
Part No. 28418405
Supplier Cytiva
Grade GF/D Glass Microfiber
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Format
  • Dimensions
    7 mm
  • Material
    Borosilicate glass
  • Application
    Highly suitable for use in applications involving air filtration and for gravimetric analysis of volatile materials where ignition is involved.\nBecause of the low resistance it is recommended for fluid flow and high particle loading capacity.
  • Diameter
  • Grade
    Grade GF/D
  • Typical Particle Retention in Liquid
    2.7 µm
  • Nominal thickness
  • Typical water flow rate
    681 ml/min
  • Nominal basis weight
  • Nominal air flow rate
    2.6 s/100 ml/in²
Cytiva's Whatman Grade GF/D fine membrane filters are thick and offer good loading capacity. GF/D can also function as a prefilter when used with GF/B, and it comes in many sizes to fit most filter holders. Thick filter media for increased loading capacity Nominal particle retention of 2.7 µm Can be used as a fine membrane prefilter Cytiva offers glass microfiber filters with a range of pore sizes and thicknesses. Browse other binder-free Whatman glass filters to find the right filters for your needs. Fine membrane prefilter benefitsWhatman Grade GF/D from Cytiva's business is a membrane prefilter that provides protection for membranes with fine retention. The filter can be used with Whatman Grade GF/B filters to provide efficient membrane protection, especially during liquid scintillation counting.Looking for a filter paper, membrane filter, or syringe filter? Let Cytiva help you find the optimal filter for your needs to ensure reliable analysis.