AcroPrep™ Advance 96-well filter plates for multiplexing, a Pall Life Sciences product, provide superior bead recovery and low levels of false positives to ensure assay reproducibility.
Smooth well wall provides efficient bead recovery, ensuring reproducible results lot after lot
High performance membrane does not trap microspheres in the membrane matrix
In serological assays, Supor™ membrane effectively removes IgG complexes, thus reducing nonspecific reactivity of the microspheres and reducing false positives
New well design results in faster, more uniform filtration rates across the plate with reduced hold-up volume
New outlet tip geometry minimizes sample leakage and loss during incubation steps so that acquisition times are not affected
Intrinsic plate and membrane properties minimize target loss from non-specific binding
Materials of Construction
Filter Media: PP/PE non-woven (polypropylene/polyethylene) and Supor™(polyethersulfone) membrane
Plate Housing: Polyproylene
Lid: Polystyrene
Length: 12.8 cm (5.0 in.)
Width: 8.6 cm (3.4 in.)
Height With Lid: 1.8 cm (0.7 in.)
Height Without Lid: 350 μL, 1.4 cm (0.6 in.)
Well-Bottom Area
0.25 cm2
Recommended Working Volume
350 μL:
Recommended Operating Vacuum
> 25.4 cm Hg (10 in. Hg)
Recommended Centrifugal Force
1,500 x g
Typical Processing Time
Vacuum: 2 seconds
Typical Hold-Up Volume
Vacuum: 5 μL
Centrifuge: 3 μL
Bead-based multiplexing assays
Flow cytometry