+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. CYT40017259
Part No. 40017259
Supplier Cytiva
AcroPrep 384-well filter places, 100
Net Price

4 weeks

  • Sample volume
    80 μL
  • Filter Media
    glass fiber borosilicate glass
  • Height (Metric cm)
    2.07 cm
  • Pore Size (Removal Rating)
    2 µm
  • Length (Metric cm)
    12.78 cm
  • Plate Housing Material
  • Recommended Operating Vacuum
    10 in Hg
  • Width (Metric cm)
AcroPrep™ 384-well filter plates, a Pall Life Sciences product, is well suited for use in high volume, high throughput sample prep applications Plates are constructed from chemically-resistant, biologically-inert polypropylene with a clear polystyrene lid. Robotic-friendly design has single-piece construction, designed in accordance with the ANSI/SBS X-2004 standards. Plates are stackable with and without lids. Eliminates crosstalk between wells. Membranes are individually sealed in each well with a proprietary sealing process and each well has a fluid director. A serialized barcode label allows the use of automated tracking systems and identifies the membrane type. Available in a variety of membrane configurations to meet the requirements of numerous applications. Specifications Materials of Construction Filter Media: BioTrace™ NT (nitrocellulose), glass fiber (borosilicate glass), Omega™ (modified PES), and Supor™(PES) membranes Plate Housing: Polypropylene Lid: Polystyrene Dimensions Height: (with Short Tips): 1.66 cm (0.65 in.) with lid and 1.44 cm (0.56 in.) without lid Height (with Long Tips): 2.07 cm (0.82 in.) with lid and 1.85 cm (0.73 in.) without lid Length: 12.78 cm (5.03 in.) Width: 8.55 cm (3.36 in.) Well Bottom Area 0.05 cm2 Maximum Well Volume 100 µL Recommended Maximum Working Volume 80 µL Recommended Operating Vacuum 25.4 cm Hg (10 in. Hg) or greater Filtration by Centrifugation 500 - 3,000 x g Typical Sample Hold-up Volume Applications BioTrace™ NT Membrane Solid phase ELISA Drug discovery using bound molecules Glass Fiber Membrane Lysate clarification Isolation of RNA, gDNA, and plasmids from culture Omega™ Membrane Concentrate, desalt, and purify DNA, RNA and oligonucleotides, and proteins Nucleic acid purification Supor™Membrane Lysate clearance Bead retention Multiplex assays Performance AcroPrep 384, Long Tip AcroPrep 384-well Filter Plates, Long TipCan be used for both filtrate- and retentate-based applications. Outlet tips extend beyond the skirt of the plate and pilot into the wells of a receiving plate. AcroPrep 384, Short Tip AcroPrep 384-well Filter Plates, Short TipCan be us