Polysulfone hollow fiber membranes in an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene housing with polyurethane potting compound
Fitting Outlet
6 mm tubing (UF cartridge reject tubing)
Flow Rate
1 L/min
Material Size
The Pyrogard® 5000 Ultrafiltration Cartridge (UF) is a hollow-fiber in-line ultrafilter used with Milli-Q® Biocel and Synthesis, to produce pyrogen- and nuclease-free ultrapure (Type 1) water. The water filtered through this UF cartridge is recommended for experiments and analyses where nuclease-free and/or endotoxin-free water is needed. The cartridge uses ion-exchange resin and an activated carbon membrane for water purification. It comprises polysulfone hollow fiber membranes in an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene housing with a polyurethane potting compound.
Uses polysulfone hollow fiber in-line ultrafilter membrane Produces pyrogen- and nuclease-free ultrapure water For Milli-Q® Biocel and Synthesis systems