ACQUITY UPLC M-Class Columns are designed for optimal performance for nano- to micro scale liquid chromatographic separation for biomarker discovery and protein and peptide identification and characterization. All M-Class columns are designed for 15 kpsi (1,000 bar) operating pressure and handle pressure fluctuations during injection extremely well and thus provide superior longevity.
This specific offering contains Waters patented HSS Technology 100 Å pore, T3, 1.8um particles. The mechanically tolerant High Strength Silica [HSS] particle technology was developed to compliment Waters Hybrid Particle Technology [BEH and CSH]. HSS allows for silica based LC separations under UPLC conditions. The particle technology provides the highest retentivity for polar compounds and metabolites while keeping in the retention between polar and hydrophobic analytes balanced.
The higher retention may result in enhanced sensitivity due to improved desolvation as polar analytes elute in a higher percentage organic mobile phase.
The T3 bonding utilizes a trifunctional C18 Alkyl phase bonded at a ligand density that promotes polar compound retention and aqueous mobile phase compatibility.