+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. THM-912A0760
Part No. 912A0760
Supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Nicolet™ iS50 FTIR Spectrometer
Net Price
Special offer

6 weeks

Solve analytical challenges with ease using the Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iS50 FTIR Spectrometer, featuring purpose-built accessories and integrated software — making it an all-in-one materials analysis workstation. Designed to be highly flexible, the Nicolet iS50 FTIR Spectrometer can be upgraded from a simple FTIR bench to a fully-automated multi-spectral range system that can acquire spectra from far-infrared to visible. You can initiate novel ATR, Raman and NIR modules at the touch of a button, enabling access to these techniques without manually changing system components. For more information on how users can address applications like pharma, forensics, polymers and material science with the Nicolet iS50 Spectrometer, click here.