+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. THM-MI-251000-0001
Part No. MI-251000-0001
Supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
AI/AS 1610 Liquid Autosampler
Net Price
Special offer

6 weeks

Enhance liquid sampling automation for your gas chromatography (GC) applications with simplicity and robustness. Designed to meet the demands of any busy high-throughput lab, the Thermo Scientific™ AI/AS 1610 Liquid Autosampler will help to process more samples efficiently and safely with its advanced design and usability features, greatly enhanced for easy adoption for both beginners and experienced users. With the possibility to expand to up to a 310-sample capacity with simultaneous dual-tower operations, the AI/AS 1610 offers the fit-for-purpose solution to budget-conscious laboratories looking for reliable automation of liquid samples injection into a GC or GC-MS system.