In stock
MilliporeSigma Z777283
Antibodix® WCX-NP3 Weak Cation Exchange Column, L × I.D. 5 cm × 2.1 mm, 3 μm particle size
1128 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5190-2285
Vial, crimp top, headspace, clear, graduation marks and write-on spot, flat bottom, certified, 10 mL, 23 x 46 mm, 100/pk. Vial size: 22.75 x 46 mm (20 mm cap)
50 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM50066022
21.6 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-186008561
Torus Diol (OH) Column, 130Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 150 mm, 1/pk
900 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM70005-153030
BetaSil™ Silica HPLC Column, 5µm Particle Size
Special offer /Each
Phenomenex 00G-4052-P0
Jupiter 5 µm C5 300 Å, LC Column 250 x 21.2 mm, Ea
3626.53 /Each
Agilent Technologies DY50538400
Timing belt for up/down motor, used with Archon purge and trap systems, model G7361A
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-04713
Inertsil ODS-P HPLC Column, 5 µm, 75 x 2.1 mm (analytical)
378 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5182-9747
Service kit for septumless head. Includes Kalrez seal, valve body, and pressure spring.
344 /Each
PerkinElmer Inc. L7110269
UV Material Disposable Macro Cells - 10 mm, Qty. 100
72 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM21.0141
Gewindestift M6x25, Innensechs
12.96 /Each
Phenomenex 8B-S029-HBJ
Strata-X-C 33 µm Polymeric Strong Cation, 500 mg / 3 mL, Tubes, 50/Pk
369.38 /Each