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Catalog No. 370-04301-03
Part No. 370-04301-03
Vials, TORAST-H Glass Vial, 150uL Amber Glass with Cap & Septa, 100/pk
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Amber glass vial with 150uL volume, Black screw cap with PTFE/Silcone septa, 100/pk. The TORAST-H Glass vial are certified vials made in Japan that compete with the Waters TruView certified vials. When a sample is stored in a general vial for a long time, the sample may adsorb into the surface of the vial causing the reproducibility to be poor. The TORAST-H™ Glass Vial contains low adsorption characteristics that makes it excellent for long term sample storage. In general, giving a positive charge to the glass surface suppresses the adsorption of the basic compounds, but conversely, it causes the adsorption of the acidic compounds. TORAST-H™ G lass Vials minimize adsorption of both types of compounds. Minimized adsorption can be achieved not only for basic compounds but also for acidic and neutral compounds with TORAST-H™ G lass Vial. The us e of silanized vials can suppress the adsorption of basic compounds, but hydrophobic adsorption tends to occur because of increased hydrophobicity. The adsorption of the hydrophobic neutral compounds is minimized when using the TORAST-H™ Glass Vial. Superior Quality Control: ·Comes with quality certificates for lot management. ·Shape inspection of vials, septa and caps. ·Low adsorption performance testing for basic, acidic and neutral compounds