4 weeks
Pall Corporation UE610KX40Z
Athalon Anti-Static 80 micron Fluorocarbon 40in 101.6cm length
Special offer /Each
EC UHPLC column (analytical), NUCLEODUR C18 Pyramid, 1.8 µm, 50x3 mm
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-19288
Inertsil C4 Cartridge Guard Column E, 5 µm, 10 x 1.0 mm, KIT, 2/Pk + Holder
364 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM088800
Dionex™ IC PEEK Viper™ Kits and Loops
Pall Corporation HC8400FRN26Z
Supralon GlassFiber 7 micron (Beta 2000) Fluorocarbon 26in 66.04 cm
1082 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-205000110
384-well Microtiter Plate Holder Kit
576 /Each
PerkinElmer Inc. N9306662
Supra-Poly HLB SPE Column - 150 mg, 6 mL, 30 μm, Pkg. 30
204 /Each
MilliporeSigma SIG1.50490
SeQuant® ZIC-HILIC™ (5µm) 5 x 1 mm (5 pc), column L × I.D. 0.5 cm × 1 mm
1112 /Each
Agilent Technologies G8400-67201
7900, 8900 with x-lens ICP-MS skimmer cone, Platinum with Copper base. Optional cone used with x-lens for aggressive acid digests, including HF. Use with Platinum sampler cone (std G3280-67036) and brass skimmer base. Recommended for lowest detection limi
2549 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-89746
InertSustain AQ-C18 HPLC Column, 5 µm, 250 x 1.0 mm (analytical)
602 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM088641
Dionex™ IonPac™ CS16-4µm and CS16-Fast-4µm IC Column, 0.4 µm, 4 × 150 mm
5037.12 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-A037995
Cable 100p, IPI-2
4371.84 /Each