6~8 weeks
MilliporeSigma 50255-U
Ascentis® Express HILIC, 5 μm HPLC Column, 5 μm particle size, L × I.D. 2 cm × 2.1 mm
429.6 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM942339030671
Single Element Lamps - Data Coded - Holmium
1974.24 /Each
Pall Corporation HC8300FAZ16Z
Ultipor SRT Glass Fiber 3 micron (Beta 1000) Fluorocarbon 16in 40.64cm (REPLACED BY HC8300FRZ16Z)
424 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-2769TSPK
SoftFit-L™ Filtered Pipette Tips in Racks in Lift-off Lids
660.96 /Each
Agilent Technologies AGIL5610135700
Boron (B) high intensity UltrAA coded single element hollow cathode lamp
935 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-700012721
Tee, Titanium, V-Detail, 0.010 ID
221 /Each
GC column, Nonpolar, OPTIMA 1 MS, 30 m L, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm df
Special offer /Each
Agilent Technologies G3270-80026
Obsolete. No replacement recommendation. Tubing, quartz, connector tube with oxygen port for high matrix introduction (HMI) kit.
Column, LC, Shim-pack GIST Guard Column C8, 3um, 1.5x10 with Cartridge (2pcs)
195 /Each
Pall Corporation R05F030
PerkinElmer Inc. N5190285
Hangdown Wire Kit - Standard, Qty. 12
245 /Each
Waters Corporation WATS-186009252
nanoEase M/Z HSS T3 Column, 100Å, 1.8 µm, 300 µm X 50 mm, 1/pk
810 /Each