Special combination phase with weak anion exchanger
Column type
SPE column
Polypropylene (PP) columns with polyethylene (PE) filter elements
Column shape
Open tubular syringe-shaped column with Luer tip outlet
Column volume
3 mL
Filling quantity
120 mg
Column volume/adsorbent weight
3 mL/120 mg
Selling unit
30 columns, 250 columns
Recommended application(s)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water, PFAS from sediments (contaminated soils), PFAS from textiles
Particle type
Fully porous particles(FPP)
Particle size
Not available or proprietary
Particle shape
Specific surface according to BET
Not available or proprietary
pH stability
Filter element material
Polyethylene (PE)
Special phase for SPE analysis. For enrichment of PFAS from water, textiles and sediments (contaminated soils). Polymeric combination phase with weak anion exchanger, highly porous, spherical particles.