Gel Filtration Calibration Kits are designed for reliable and simple calibration of SEC columns with a set of well-defined protein standards.
Well-defined protein standards with excellent behavior in size exclusion chromatography (SEC).
Proteins are lyophilized in individual vials.
Enables determination of column void volume with Blue Dextran 2000.
Low molecular weight range from Mr 6500 to 75 000 for LMW Kit.
High molecular weight range from Mr 43 000 to 669 000 for HMW Kit.
The kits are suitable for calibration of high-resolution SEC resins and columns such as Superdex, Superose, and Sephacryl.
Molecular weight determination of proteins
Size exclusion chromatography is a proven method for measuring a protein’s size and molecular weight. The column is first calibrated with “standard” proteins of known size and weight. Then the elution volume of the protein of interest is compared with that of the standard proteins.
Both gel filtration calibration kits include Blue Dextran 2000, a protein with Mr 2000 used to determine a column’s void fraction. Each kit also includes five proteins designed to calibrate columns for either high or low molecular weight proteins.
Kit for high molecular weight biomolecules
Cytiva's Gel Filtration High Molecular Weight (HMW) Kit contains:
Ovalbumin (Mr 43 000)
Conalbumin (Mr 75 000)
Aldolase (Mr 158 000)
Ferritin (Mr 440 000)
Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000)
Kit for low molecular weight biomolecules
Cytiva's Gel Filtration Low Molecular Weight (LMW) Kit contains:
Aprotinin (Mr 6500)
Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700)
Carbonic anhydrase (Mr 29 000)
Ovalbumin (Mr 43 000)
Conalbumin (Mr 75 000)