+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. H00203-21034
Part No. H00203-21034
Supplier Welch Materials Inc.
Ultisil XB-Phenyl, 3 μm, 4.0 × 250 mm
Net Price
USD 488

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Ultisil XB-Phenyl phase is less retentive than conventional C18 or C8 phases, but more retentive than standard cyano phase. Due to their ability to participate in π-π interactions, XB-Phenyl Column may actually be more retentive than C18 or C8 Column towards certain polar aromatic compounds, depending on running conditions. The selectivity for highly polar aromatics, which are poorly retained on alkyl-bonded phases, together with reduced retentivity towards non-polar compounds, make XB-Phenyl an excellent choice for the analysis of complex mixtures of polar and non-polar analytes. Additionally, this bonding phase boasts high surface coverage and exhaustive double end-capping, leading to better performance.