7 working days
MilliporeSigma SIG57023
Empty polypropylene SPE Tube with PE frits, 20 μm porosity, volume 1 mL, pk of 108
141.6 /Each
Vial Inserts 250ul Glass BM w/Bottom Spring Pack of 100
95 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM190B
Sterilin™ Polystyrene Containers, 60mL to 250mL
Special offer /Each
Vials, AA, 15mL Sample Tubes, 1000/PK, ASC
193 /Each
Sartorius AG SART97057
Cell Membrane Integrity Dye (V/Blue) Kit
288 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. A0006-07610
Fuse, 5 x 20L-1.0AQA
47.52 /Each
Pall Corporation HC9404FRP8HYP95
Supralon GlassFiber 5 micron (Beta 2000) Nitrile 8in 20.32cm
Agilent Technologies CP7696
J&W CP-Sil 8 CB GC Column, 50 m, 0.53 mm, 1.00 μm, 7 inch cage. This is the most common GC column format compatible with Agilent 5890, 6890, 7820, 7890, 8860, and 8890 series GC systems and all non-Agilent GC systems with a similarly sized oven.
976 /Each
Merck KGaA UFC903024
Amicon® Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter Unit
215 /Each
Column, LC, Nexera UC Prep Chiral CCO F4 5u 1000A 250 X 30mm
28692 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-87270
Inertsil ODS-HL HPLC Column, 3 µm, 150 x 1.0 mm (analytical)
602 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-3434PK
Snap Cap Low Retention Microcentrifuge Tubes
103.68 /Each