1 week
HACH Company MH578N9A
238 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-3744PUR
Matrix™ 500μL ScrewTop Tubes
1836 /Each
Agilent Technologies G1361-67306
Capillary stainless steel 0.6 x 367 mm 1/16 in male. rigid, bent
85 /Each
Welch Materials Inc. H00808-04401
Ultisil XB-C18, Semi-Prep Cartridge: 5µm, 120Å, 10 × 10 mm
135 /Each
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-MFG004
Mini 900 Contamination and Radiation Monitors
Special offer /Each
Phenomenex 00F-4455-V0-AX
Gemini 10 µm NX-C18 110 Å, LC Column 150 x 50 mm, AXIA Packed, Ea
11935.18 /Each
pH Half-Cell InLab® Reference Plus
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM-RF1804X234
Drain tubing (sold by the foot)
17.28 /Each
Cytiva CYT18111508
INdEX 140/500 Column
Cytiva CYT28418470
Grade 934-AH Filter for Total Suspended Solids Analysis, 35 mm circle (100 pcs)
55.5 /Each
Cytiva CYT18116213
Chromaflow 1000 mm, automatic nozzle, 200-400 mm, 20 PE
Cytiva CYT56410282
Laboratory and Pilot Scale Ultrafiltration Cartridge (UFP-300-E-8A)
2191.5 /Each