1 week
Agilent Technologies AGIL393113001
Obsolete. No replacement recommendation. Test standard for external NCI, 1 pg/µL DFB. (China only. Hazardous product, will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity).
Special offer /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-87758
InertSustain PFP Prep Column, 5 µm, 100 x 6.0 mm
483 /Each
ClickTek Starter Kit for SPL-2030/WBI-2030 - 33 mm
429 /Each
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation WAK236-52773
Wakopak Wakosil-II5C8RS 4.0*150mm
495 /Each
Merck KGaA CWSC72S03
Milligard® Cartridge Filter 20 in. Code 7 0.5 µm
785 /Each
Sepax Technologies Inc SEPX221430950
Proteomix POR30-Q, 1000 Å, 30 µm
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. THM046104
Dionex™ IonPac™ CS5A IC Column, 9 µm, 4 × 50 mm
1529.28 /Each
GL Sciences Inc. GLS5020-03944
Inertsil ODS-4 HPLC Column, 5 µm, 100 x 4.6 mm (analytical)
448 /Each
Agilent Technologies G3280-80603
Spray chamber, single-pass, suitable for capillary LC interface and very low-flow sample introduction applications. For use with total consumption nebulizer (G3280-80602) for capillary LC interface kit. Suitable for all Agilent ICP-MS
1201 /Each
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. BR1425832
Bio-Rex™ 70 Cation Exchange Resin, analytical grade, 50–100 mesh, sodium form, 500 g
969.3 /Each
Plunger Assy, SIL-10ADvp, LC-2010 (HT) A/C, SIL-HT A/C, SIL-20A/AC, i-Series
107 /Each
Pall Corporation HC9804FRS4Z
Supralon GlassFiber 12 micron (Beta 2000) Fluorocarbon 4in 10.16cm
102 /Each