Maximize the number of injections between eluent changes when using a Reagent-Free™ ion chromatography with eluent regeneration (RFIC™-ER) system with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex IonPac AC-ER Anion Concentrator column. The Dionex IonPac AC-ER Anion Concentrator for RFIC-ER is a general purpose, low dead volume, extremely low pressure anion concentrator column with similar features to the Dionex IonPac UTAC Ultra Trace Anion Concentrator Columns, but with reduced dead volume and capacity. The Dionex IonPac AC-ER concentrator is housed in a 4 x 16mm column body for very low dead volume to maximize the number of injections that can be made on an RFIC-ER system between eluent exchanges.