+852-3069 6950
Catalog No. THM19071065
Part No. 19071065
Supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
iConnect™ Cold-On-Column (COC) Injector Module for TRACE™ 1300 and 1600 Series GC
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Ensure 100% recovery during injection of high boiling compounds with the Thermo Scientific™ instant connect (iConnect™) Cold-On-Column (COC) Injector Module. When exposed to GC oven temperatures, direct deposition of liquid samples into a GC column with this injector negates the need for sample vaporization and transfer at high temperatures prior to separation, eliminating discrimination effects. This injector module is compatible with both the TRACE™ 1300 and 1600 Series Gas Chromatographs. Use the iConnect COC injector for analysis of high boiling compounds like triglycerides, heavy hydrocarbons, and waxes or thermolabile compounds sensitive to thermal breakdown during vaporization.