wwPTFE membrane disc filters, a Pall Life Sciences product, deliver chemical compatibility for aqueous solutions and aggressive solvents.
Maximum versatility. Filters aqueous solutions or aggressive chemicals.
Low protein binding membrane gives high recovery of critical proteinaceous samples.
HPLC certified. Provides assurance that the filter will not add artifacts to your analysis.
Low API adsorption.
Filter Media
Hydrophilic polypropylene
Pore Size
0.2 and 0.45 µm
Typical Thickness
0.2 µm: 101 µm (4.0 mils)
0.45 µm: 114 µm (4.5 mils)
Typical Water Flow RatemL/min/cm2 at 0.7 bar (70 kPa, 10 psi)
0.2 µm: 20
0.45 µm: 31
Maximum Operating Temperature
55°C (131°F)
Minimum Bubble Point - IPA
0.2 µm: 1 bar (100 kPa, 14.5 psi)
0.45 µm: 0.63 bar (63 kPa, 9.1 psi)
Our number-one choice for filtering HPLC mobile phases
Available in 0.2 μm for UHPLC
Suitable for pharmaceutical HPLC applications
wwPTFE Membrane is Virtually a Universal Membrane for All Applications
PTFEProteinaceous: -
General Aqueous: -
Non-Aggressive Organic: ++
Aggressive Organic: ++
Proteinaceous: ++
General Aqueous: ++
Non-Aggressive Organic: +
Aggressive Organic: -
Proteinaceous: +*
General Aqueous: ++
Non-Aggressive Organic: +
Aggressive Organic: -
++ Recommended
+ Suitable
- Not Recommended
* Dependent on protein type and concentration